Monday, December 8, 2008

Still so new to the world of blogging. I am finding it tough to keep up with all of you net11 bloggers as there are so many of you out there. I am feeling so very overwhelmed and I need to bite the bullet and start getting into the module tasks!!!!!!!!

Being time poor really sux!!!!


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel Belinda, I only just got started on the modules tonight. Had to study for an exam last week and procrastinated over the weekend. Even though I'm way behind most other people, it feels great to finally be getting stuck into it \0/

RhysatWork said...

Don't stress yet guys. All looks good to me and though I might be ticking along at a good pace with mine now I expect to come to a grinding halt when we get to xmas holidays!

Just take it one step at a time and prioritise it will all be cool in the end. ;)

Tessa G said...

Nice start Belinda! and you're definitely not alone, I'm way behind!
By the way, how do you post a new thread?
All I seem to be able to do is leave myself another comment!!??!!??
I might leave this query on the Webct.

Anonymous said...

Hey Belinda, I used to say if you want anything done give it to a busy person.
Keep your chin up, we are all in the same boat