Monday, December 22, 2008

FTP FIlezilla

Well I have FINALLY completed the FTP task. And while I am glas that I have completed it, I still feel a little deflated. The reason - I have completed the task but not totally aware of what I have done. . . .I probably shouldn't admit this out loud but that's the way it is. I will copy the results beneath to show that I have complete the task.

Also to answer the question "according to the readme file, 'capitalization matters'.

Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service
Command: USER anonymous
Response: 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
Command: PASS **************
Response: 230 Anonymous user logged in.
Command: SYST
Response: 215 Windows_NT
Command: FEAT
Response: 211-FEAT
Response: SIZE
Response: MDTM
Response: 211 END
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/Anonymous" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,7,142,29,7,221).
Command: LIST
Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Response: 226 Transfer complete.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: CWD /Anonymous/ED 423 PROGRAMS
Response: 250 CWD command successful.
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/Anonymous/ED 423 PROGRAMS" is current directory.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,7,142,29,7,225).
Command: LIST
Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Response: 226 Transfer complete.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: CWD /Anonymous/MSC
Response: 250 CWD command successful.
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/Anonymous/MSC" is current directory.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,7,142,29,7,229).
Command: LIST
Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Response: 226 Transfer complete.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service
Command: USER anonymous
Response: 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
Command: PASS **************
Response: 230 Anonymous user logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting download of /Anonymous/MSC/readme.txt
Command: CWD /Anonymous/MSC
Response: 250 CWD command successful.
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Type set to A.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,7,142,29,7,230).
Command: RETR readme.txt
Response: 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
Response: 226 Transfer complete.
Status: File transfer successful
Status: Starting download of /Anonymous/MSC/readme.txt
Status: Skipping download of /Anonymous/MSC/readme.txt
Status: File transfer successful
Status: Disconnected from server
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service
Command: USER anonymous
Response: 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
Command: PASS **************
Response: 230 Anonymous user logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Starting upload of H:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\readme.txt
Command: CWD /Anonymous/MSC
Response: 250 CWD command successful.
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Type set to A.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,7,142,29,7,249).
Command: STOR readme.txt
Response: 550 readme.txt: Access is denied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Belinda,
In essence what the task has shown is that you can access a remote computer an either upload a file or in this case download a file to you computer and read it .
When you get to the HTML task you will need to load up your file to the Curtin server. Although you will not be using Filezilla the principle of FTP is the same IMHO.
Hope this helps.