Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting There!!!!!

Well, As you may have seen in previous blogs I have been travelling for nearly three weeks now, and while I was booking all of our accomodation I specified I needed internet access, it seems that the best made plans don't always work out!!!! For example, one motel had a power surge and the net was down, another was waiting for technical support....bla bla bla and the story goes on. My poor family have been spending time in good old macdonalds as at least I can use my hubby's work lap top and access wireless through good old macca's. That does of course mean I am spending money there on the kids, on ice creams, drinks and of course the occasional meal.....ANYWAY The other little spanner in the works then is that I can not access my blog on my hubby's work computer bacause it is a social networking site and they are all blocked.....until now. A friend let me in a little trick and I have been able to 'unblock' it until the end of our holdiay at least........So now FINALLY I am able to access all parts that I need to on one computer and our current accomodation actually had working wireless internet...yeahhhhhhhh.

So clearly a few hurdles I have had to overcome. I am not complaining however, as they say 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' a little dramatic you say....MAYBE. However I would never have attempted half of what I have in the past, and even though I have had to overcome these issues with my internet access it has made me step outside my comfort zone. I have been accessing my blog from my mobile phone as well as finding out other ways that I am able to access and use the internet for my benefit. For those of you who are rolling your eyes saying BIG DEAL, go ahead, its ok. While I know that these things seem very simple and probably mind numbing for you, for me these are big issues that in the past I wouldn't have even have thought about or had any idea on what to do. I have finally finished my web page and also even started on the concepts task, so overall even with all of the stupid questions that I continue (and will continue) to ask, I am happy that I am at least getting there.


Chriso said...

AT least the kids have been fed.

Well done Belinda

Peter Fletcher said...

Getting there you are - and doing a bloody good job of it. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awesome that you have stepped outside your comfort zone and found other ways to access the net.

I always forget that I can use my phone for net access. Maybe I need to cut myself off for a week and give it a go.